People drive me crazy.
Not usually the good crazy either.
The alarm clock blares (but only after one charming neighbor starts up his F250 a good half hour before my wakeup call). I shuffle my zombie feet into the shower, moisturizer and makeup brushes fly, clothes on, frantically fill my water bottles and hurry down the stairs. No one wants to let me make the left hand turn to get out of our driveway, can't get through the yellow light because the person in front of me thinks they should stop (I know, those people), get stuck behind the biggest, slowest truck in the area code, pull into get coffee and lose the spot I so carefully identified as mine to Frazzled Ms. Frizzle with one hand on the wheel and the other on the mascara wand (really, lady??), and all of this cringe-worthy nonsense before 7am. Get it together, people!!!!
Negativity is a true gremlin. He presents himself as alluring, everyone wants to touch him, everyone is touched by him, but offer a drop of water to that beast and he makes his scaly self even more prominent, more available, and becomes a contagion to all those he infects.
It's everywhere.
And it wants a home more than that Gizmo-esque, long-haired chihuaua on the Sarah McLachlan commercials.
But you are not Randall Peltzer. You have the antidote.
Happiness is not something you are given by circumstance, power, money, or time. It is an active, committed choice that you must make every day in the midst of an army of wet Gizmos. It is your only cure to a rampant epidemic. Life is not sugar-coated, but there is always something sweet.
You were woken up by Billy Bob's roaring engine down the street (ALIVE!!) before your alarm (a phone!!) to wake you for your job (employment!!). You get to deal with the rules of the road set to preserve your safety, wait a little longer in traffic with your working car and fantastically designed Pandora station, there is a spot two spaces over from Ms. Frizzle. Some nice man in a suit with his hands already full insists on holding the door open for you, and the Starbucks people know your name, have memorized your order, and insist you take a free chocolate (chocolate also fixes everything). All before 7am.
The gremlin was still there. Hanging off the nightstand, dangling from the rearview mirror, and waving frantically from Ms. Frizzle's parking spot, but if you pay him no mind, he gets no water.
In this family (where most of the people I actually like are), the gremlin has all but given up, and we much prefer chocolate go with the cookies...on top of the chocolate cake.
Negativity is contagious. It will poison you from the inside out.
Happiness is a piece of cake.
Who is going to turn down that?
<3 The Glitzy Baker
James 1:2-3
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